Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I swear, it's either feast or famine in this house! We either have very boring calendar one or one that keeps me up at night thinking I'm forgetting something.

Right now, that calendar is VERY busy. So busy that I'm currently stretched out with a back scratcher scratching some huge itchy hives I've got on my back. Our dr says they are most likely stressed induced... I told her I ain't got time for that! Oiy!

Over the last few months, my body has learned to fight back when I take on too much for my metaphorical "plate". I either develop hives, mouth ulcers, or some horrible IBS. Just last week I had my very first migraine. Lucky me! Heck, I've never even really had a non-dehydrated headache before! WTH!

First thing this morning when I got to my office I sat down and filled out all the "events" that were cluttering my brain. We have 16 things going on in the next 2.5 weeks and 11 of those things take prior planning/creating/effort from me. Examples of things going on: a birthday party for a lucky lady turning 8, girl scouts meeting treats, homemade center pieces for an event happening at work, and Father/Daughter Mardi Gras theme dance to get outfits/accessories for. Lots of fun stuff going on though!

Just last night I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off transporting a kid to boy scouts (only to find out tonight was a council meeting, not a pack meeting for the kids), buying sparkly black paper for a Jupiter diagram, and tracking down a purse I just so happened to leave in a cart at a select Target, painting and gluing said Jupiter diagram, Mr. F homework so a kindergartner could get a sticker the next day, and it was BATH night!

I know someday I'll look back at this time with a smile on my face and say something cute like how fun it was but right now I could really go for a stiff drink and a good Netflix marathon!

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